
[Use WASD to move] 

[Use Mouse to point and left Mouse to fire cards at enemies] 

[Avoid enemies and obstacles]

Deckard, a habitual gambler that constantly loses, has fallen in debt with The Card Pitt. A casino that was opened 22 years ago in 2042 by Director Pitt. It specializes in not betting money but in dreams. The Director has invented ways to lengthen lifespans, make people supernaturally stronger, and more. In return however, falling in debt with Casino costs you more than just Deckard’s credit score. On his way to be dragged off to one of Pitt’s unethical experiments, Deckard manages to get loose and snag one of the director’s newest inventions. A playing card deck that cuts seemingly anything. Now he has to try and escape for as long as possible.

Published 13 days ago
AuthorSaben Studios
Made withGodot

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